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Neerartarchitects Questions

Who are Architects?

The course to become a registered architect is not brief, averaging ten years from the commencement of university to registration. This places architects in an entirely different league to building designers or draftspersons. The title “architect” and the term “architectural” are protected by the Architectural Registration Boards and can only be used by those who have earned it.
Registered architects are highly qualified and skilled at finding creative solutions. They understand space and how to use it to best advantage, resulting in buildings that, over and above being purely functional, enhance our experience of their use and offer visual delight. Council of Architecture (COA) has a website listing names of those registered.

What do architects actually do ?

Architects are the specialists of the building design world. Unfortunately, the use of architects in India is often seen as an expensive luxury when, really, it is an investment in our largest assets, our homes or places of work! Architects have been unfairly compared to draftsmen or building designers, which has led to misunderstandings regarding fees. There is no true comparison that can be drawn between them due to the differing qualifications and skills. specification
  • 1. Architects understand the true meaning of customisation. Providing three options as with many design and construct companies, is not a customised service. It is a menu and does not allow for true creativity.
  • 2. Architects please both heart and eye, but never at the expense of function.
  • 3. Architects respond to the site, location, and surrounds with sensitivity. Display homes on irregular blocks or sloping sites cannot respond to their context
  • 4. A registered architect has experience that enables consideration of budget restrictions, timely results, and foresight, preventing costly mistakes. While the difference between an architect and less qualified designer, it only takes a small mistake to blow the budget.
  • 5. Architects appreciate regulations, codes, and diplomacy with regards to local councils. A project that moves through town planning quickly saves valuable time and money.
  • 6. Architects offer energy efficient and sustainable results as they are mindful of how buildings affect and respond to the environment. They are often at the forefront of new technologies and approaches towards energy efficiency
  • 7. Being able to claim a home is architecturally designed is a marketing strategy commonly employed and on inspection visitors will note the enhanced quality.

Why should I hire Neerart Architects?

In our practice, we focus on doing the two most important things in the architectural design field: providing good design and good service. Both of these elements are integrated into our Design Process.
The process starts by listening to you, asking questions, and taking a lot of notes. We want to understand what matters to you and how the project would work best for you. We identify problems and then turn them into design opportunities when possible. Rather than allowing a constraint to compromise the design, we look for ways to create something unique that also integrates your needs and ideas with all of our knowledge, creativity and expertise. In our design process, we solve your programmatic and functional requirements, but also strive to transcend these basics by creating design that is both experiential and sensory. By using space, light, color, detail and material we craft designs that provide a rich and layered experience appropriate for the time, the place, and the particular client.
We understand the personal investment of time and money our clients commit to their projects and we believe that when you hire us, you shouldn’t have to spend time reminding us of the things we are supposed to do. Our commitment to providing good service means focusing on project management so you don’t have to, being accessible to you when you need to discuss your project, and providing well drawn and complete design documents.
In addition to all of the above, we believe that the process should be enjoyable and creatively satisfying for everyone involved.

What size and type of projects do you design?

For an idea of the project size we have worked on see the Our Work section of our website. We typically design projects such as townhouses, new single family residences (custom and spec), whole-house remodels, and substantial additions. We have experience in commercial work and are interested in being considered for these types of project as well. In addition to the projects featured on this website, we have done a number of small remodels and additions for our clients that are not featured. We have redesigned entries, bathrooms, master suites, basement, kitchens (indoor and outdoor), and even swimming pools. If you can imagine it, we’ve probably done it before!

Do you design commercial buildings?

The Principal Architect of the firm and members of our staff have previously worked at larger architectural firms where they’ve been part of a design team working on large commercial and institutional buildings. Our experience is quite varied: we’ve worked on the architectural design of hospitals, stadiums, office buildings, hotels, assisted living facilities, club houses, multifamily housing, and restaurants. We enjoy working on a large variety of project types, so please contact us if you have a project you’d like us to consider.

Will you help me find a contractor?

In most cases we’ll help you find one or several contractors to consider for your project. Often we’ll recommend a company we’ve worked with in the past or a company we know that has a good reputation. If we haven’t worked with them, we’ll help you determine if they are qualified to construct your project.
Many times, we are recommending moving the contractor selection process toward the beginning of the design process in order to help guarantee contractor availability and to assist in pricing and constructability issues through the design process. We’ll help you determine the best process for your project and the appropriate time to select a contractor.

Do I need to hire an interior designer?

For most of our projects an interior designer is not necessary unless you need help choosing a significant amount of furniture, rugs, window coverings, and decorative accessories. Typically we, as architects, design and specify everything attached to the interiors of your project such as tile, wood flooring, carpet, cabinets, appliances, plumbing fixtures, and even paint colors. During the architectural design process we typically draw appropriately scaled furniture in our plans to help ensure the spaces we design will be flexible for furniture arrangements. When clients want to keep certain pieces of furniture, we measure them and include them in our drawings to be sure they fit.
For some projects, an interior designer can be a great asset. When this is the case, we recommend bringing them in to the design process early for the best results.

Do I need to hire other design professionals or consultants?

Many architectural projects will require the design services of a licensed structural engineer. We may also recommend hiring a mechanical engineer to prepare drawings and specifications if you are interested in incorporating complex heating/ventilation/cooling systems. We typically recommend consultants to work with unless you know of someone you’d like to work with.
Many projects will require the services of a licensed surveyor if you do not have a current survey of your property. A civil engineer and/or a geotechnical consultant may be required on more complex residential, multifamily, and commercial projects. Some projects require assembling a team of consultants including an interior designer and landscape architect. We can assist you in choosing compatible individuals for a professional design team.
We encourage having necessary consultants involved early in the design process and have found that a collaborative effort will produce the best results.

I need to remodel my house in phases. Can you help with that?

Often times a house has to be renovated in smaller phases when the financial resources are available. We can help you determine the best possible process, and help you with each of the phases to end up with a cohesive end product. Typically we begin by designing the entire “built-out” project then help you divide the project into manageable phases.

Why can’t I just use stock plans from a plan book or website?

Our experience is that clients request so many changes to stock plans that you are better off beginning from scratch with us designing a solution that truly meets your needs and goals. When we design a project we take advantage of qualities specific to your site like solar access, topography (slope), views, and other site specific factors that stock plans cannot address. Our experience is that the investment in a well conceived architectural design will add greater value to the finished project and will be better suited to its inhabitants.
Additionally, with the many differing requirements of local jurisdictions, it is difficult for stock plans to address the requirements of local building departments. For example, projects constructed in Seattle and other regions often must meet local energy code requirements and certain structural requirements to be sure your structure will resist lateral loads from an earthquake or strong winds. Often times a stamped set of structural calculations is required to be submitted to the building department. Every jurisdiction has its own Land Use Code that specifies setbacks, height limits and a host of other code requirements. Rarely are any of these provided or addressed with stock plans purchased from websites or plan books. We feel you will get a better design and one that is uniquely suited to you and your site if you hire an Architect.

What is the difference between construction cost and project cost?

When arriving at a total project cost it is important to understand the difference between Construction Cost and Project Cost. Construction Cost is the amount paid to a contractor (typically a General Contractor) for construction of your project. Construction Cost includes the contractor’s overhead and profit.
Project Cost includes Construction Cost plus sales tax, permit fees, and fees of design professionals. Typically, the above items add 20%-25% to your Construction Cost. When estimating total project cost, you may also want to include the cost of the land and utility connections (if applicable) and the cost of owner furnished items such as equipment, furnishings and any other items necessary for the project to be used for its intended purpose.

What if we don’t like what you design?

A past residential client told us once that friends of theirs were considering engaging Neerart Architects to design their house and were concerned “what if we don’t like what they design?!”
Our client told them “that almost can’t happen, it’s more of a process.”
Generally, buildings designed by Neerart Architects are more a reflection of our clients than ourselves.
Our design process not only identifies our clients functional requirements, but also their aesthetic preferences. The building is designed to our client’s preferences.

Do you do residential renovations?

Yes, Neerart Architects have completed numerous residential renovations. Some have been major alterations and additions, others feasibility or concept design only.
On each renovation project we recommend an initial feasibility study to determine whether the project will meet your objectives and budget.

What’s the difference between an architect and a building designer?

Qualifications and registration.
To be an architect in India, you need to have completed a university course, normally 5 years full time. If you are not on the Council of Architectecture Registered, you cannot call yourself an architect, or offer architectural services.
Previously only a limited number of institutions are there in India which have the resources to offer an architectural education. These courses are more thorough and in depth than building design and drafting courses. This is reflected in the fact architecture cannot be studied by distance education.

Do you design to a budget?

Yes, all projects are designed to a budget.
The challenging aspect is to achieve maximum ‘bang for your buck’ for a given budget. A low budget is no excuse for poor design. Part of Neerart Architects’ obligation and responsibility is to advise on where to spend your money so you get maximum return on your investment. And equally important, how to go about the design/build process. Managing the budget, particularly where you wish to achieve a unique, non-standard solution, is one of the most challenging aspects to building design. Contact us to discuss how we go about managing your project budget and achieving a unique design.

We hear you need a big budget to use an architect for a house?

No, this is not true, particularly for Neerart Architects.
Every house deserves to be well planned and thought out, it is after all where we spend a lot of our time.
Quite often we get approached by people frustrated with the ‘standard plan’ mass housing market, enquiring “is it possible to get something designed for us, our site and our budget?” They do not want an architectural showpiece, they simply want to get it right as this is where they intend to raise their family and/or spend the next 10-15 years.
We set our level and scope of services appropriate to our client’s level of expectation and budget.
Contact us for a no obligation meeting/discussion to enquire on how we may be able to assist with your project.

What style of houses do you design?

Our client’s aesthetic and subjective preferences dictate the style of our houses we design.
Furthermore each site is an influencing factor in the style of house.
The truth is we design houses with our client. It is a very collaborative approach.
Some clients say “I have no idea what style I like, I just want it functional and well designed”. Most people do have a particular aesthetic preference. Neerart Architects’ step by step process will bring this aesthetic preference to the fore.

What style of architecture do you follow?

We are always in search of a unique style of ours. We largely practice modern, contemporary, traditional and vernacular style. We mainly design according to the condition of land, construction materials availability, climate, culture and lifestyle of the people.

Are there any restrictions regarding the size of the projects?

We do not have any problem with the size of projects we work on. It can be small, medium or big.

Can we see any of your designed buildings?

Certainly you can see our projects that are under construction stage. In case of our finished projects, we value the privacy of clients and would show you only documentation of respective project. (available videos/photographs) in projects section.

When does the first meeting happen?

If you are okay with our ideas and working style then we will have the first meeting.

When do you visit the site?

After the first discussion for the project we would communicate a date and accordingly visit your site.

Are we required to pay you for the first site visit?

Yes. You have to pay a nominal fee (+ actual travel cost) for our first site visit

Do you design to a budget?

Yes, all projects are designed to a budget.
The challenging aspect is to achieve maximum ‘bang for your buck’ for a given budget. A low budget is no excuse for poor design. Part of Neerart Architects’ obligation and responsibility is to advise on where to spend your money so you get maximum return on your investment. And equally important, how to go about the design/build process. Managing the budget, particularly where you wish to achieve a unique, non-standard solution, is one of the most challenging aspects to building design. Contact us to discuss how we go about managing your project budget and achieving a unique design.

Do What amount do you charge for your services?

The fees are charged according to the scale of project, depth and length of services. Please contact us through email [mentioning what range of services you want from us] for a detailed fee statement.

Should we pay you an advance before starting the project?

Yes. The amount depends on the package of services chosen by the client. For details you can email us.

When can we get the ‘services and fee statement’ from you?

After we receive the brief of the project, we have discussion with you through phone/email/face to face. Later you will get the services and fee statement.

What are the details required before designing our project?

After we receive the brief of the project, we have discussion with you through phone/email/face to face. Later you will get the services and fee statement.

Can you explain the whole process of designing?

You need to give us a Digital Survey (in AutoCad Dwg. format) or area of the site along with other details (specified by us) of the site.

Can you explain the whole process of designing?

Initially clients enquire us stating project requirements/brief. Then we send them our company profile and website. Ones the clients are okay with our ideas [given through email/phone/website], we schedule a meeting. Ones the meeting is held we visit their site. Then we inform clients to give us the digital survey. After we get the digital survey we have a detailed discussion with the client about the project requirement. We then prepare a concept considering the project requirements. Then we show the basic layout to the clients in the following meeting. Then the clients confirm the design. After the first two meetings we reinforce our design according to the meeting outcomes. Then the clients confirm the project on seeing the final presentation. Later we start with the detailed drawing for approval/construction.

Do you provide us any alternatives/options of designs to select from?

We provide 2-3 schemes/options for you.

Do you supervise your projects?

Yes we supervise the project as per the construction stages and technical demand. We ensure the construction happens as per the final design. The concerned architect visits site at different stages.

Do you work for Renovation/Extension/Conservation projects?

Yes, we do which involves a certain scale of project. This involves architecture and interior service costing eight lakh or more.

Do you design taking Vastu into consideration?

Yes we follow basic vastu as per client requirements. Vastu is all about spatial management, light & ventilation, aesthetics, circulation and design considerations.

How much do you charge for the initial consultation?

We offer a free consultation for all new projects.

What type of fees can I expect to pay?

Neerart Architetcs can tailor a solution to your budget and requirements. After meeting to discuss your initial design brief we will provide you with a written fee proposal. Depending on the services quoted for, fees are usually worked out on a percentage or lump sum basis or a mixture of both.

Do you consider the work you do good value for money?

Our range of architectural services provides exceptionally good value for money
Furthermore, our professional attention to detail will give you added value through the most efficient use of space and careful selection of materials and finishes. Where appropriate we will give consideration to sustainable technologies to reduce energy bills.

Do you have more questions?

Please Call and Chat With Us